Edward Snowden: Traitor or Hero?

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Created: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:16 am PST by homer2000.
Debate views: 6,386

Debate Summary

Is Edward Snowden a Traitor or Hero?

Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is a former technical contractor and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee who worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), before leaking details of top-secret American and British government mass surveillance programs to the press.

Working primarily with Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian, which published a series of exposés based on Snowden's disclosures in June 2013, Snowden revealed information about a variety of classified intelligence programs, including the interception of US and European telephone metadata and the PRISM and Tempora Internet surveillance programs. Snowden said the leaks were an effort "to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them."

Snowden's leaks are said to rank among the most significant breaches in the history of the NSA. Matthew M. Aid, an intelligence historian in Washington, said disclosures linked to Snowden have "confirmed longstanding suspicions that NSA's surveillance in this country is far more intrusive than we knew." On June 14, 2013, US federal prosecutors filed a sealed complaint, made public on June 21, charging Snowden with theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information, and willful communication of classified intelligence with an unauthorized person; the latter two allegations are under the Espionage Act.



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1$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro) - Edward Snowden is a hero. It's the government that needs to be tried for unlawfully spying on its citizens. We the people need to keep a close eye on the corrupt government, and not a close eye on innocent civilians. I too do not want to live in a...

answered by homer2000
11 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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homer2000 profile picture
Edward Snowden is a hero. It's the government that needs to be tried for unlawfully spying on its citizens. We the people need to keep a close eye on the corrupt government, and not a close eye on innocent civilians. I too do not want to live in a society where the government spies on its people. Leave this man alone. The government is not above the law. Go after the corrupt government.
11 years ago
posted by homer2000  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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