About Lettuce Debate

Lettuce Debate is an online community for the people to debate on any topic, such as politics, world affairs, economics, health, society, law, science, and more.

At Lettuce Debate, you may:

  • Post, search, and browse debate topics
  • Debate on any topic by choosing a side
    (Lettuce for Pro or Cabbage for Con)
    and post resolutions to debates
  • Up (Tomato) or down (Onion) vote debate resolutions
  • Attach a video, photo, and sources to a debate
  • Trail (follow) members and debates
  • Share notes with fellow Lettuce Debaters and receive updates in The Farmer's Notebook

The highest upvoted (Tomato voted) debate solutions with over 2/3 of the majority of vote will win the debate and receive a Carambola (Starfuit.) Most popular debates will be listed in the Most Popular Debates section of the website.

Welcome to Lettuce Debate. Let Us, The People, Debate!

The Garden (Legend)
Lettuce Debate Legend (The Garden)
 Hover over a fruit or vegetable

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)


Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)


Red Tomato

If you like a debate answer, give it a Red Tomato. Debate answers with the most Red Tomatoes and least Sliced Yellow Onions win the debate. Yummy, Red Tomatoes. :)

Sliced Yellow Onion

Sliced Yellow Onion

If you do not like a debate answer, give it a Yellow Sliced Onion. Yellow Sliced Onions down vote debate answers. Just be careful not to cry from these Yellow Sliced Onions. ;)

Cool Beans

Cool Beans

If you like a user's debate(s), give him or her some Cool Beans. Who knows? Plant some Cool Beans and a beanstalk may grow to a castle in the sky where a Giant dwells and a goose lays golden eggs. :) Yay, Cool Beans.

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Red Hot Chili Peppers

If you see a Red Hot Chili Pepper, be careful, it's a heated debate. Red Hot Chili Peppers may make you sweat, turn red, breathe fire, or cry :#

Red Strawberry

Red Strawberry

If you like a debate, give the debate a Red Strawberry. Red Strawberries up vote debates, which increases the debate's chance of becoming a Most Popular Debate. Sweet!

Yellow Lemon

Yellow Lemon

If you do not like a debate and it's sour, give it a Yellow Lemon. Yellow Lemons down vote debates. If life deals you lemons, make lemonade. :) If life hands you too many lemons, ask "Where do you get all these lemons from?" Actually, don't ask. You really don't want to know.. ;)

Orange Carambola (Starfruit)

Orange Carambola (Starfruit)

If a debate answer receives the most Red Tomatoes, the debate answer gets an Orange Carambola (Starfruit.) It's ripe, exceedingly juicy and fragrant with superior flavor. Yum! How exotically sweet and refreshingly tart.

Green Carambola (Starfruit)

Green Carambola (Starfruit)

If a debate answer receives the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th most Red Tomatoes, the debate answer gets a Green Carambola (Starfruit.) Not quite yet ripe, though sharp and refreshing in flavor.

More fruits and vegetables to come. You may hover over any fruit or vegetable at Lettuce Debate for a detailed description of its Lettuce Debate's representation.

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Strawberry debate votes +0  Lemon debate votes 0 

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 
Currently Winning:
Winning Cabbage (Con) CABBAGE (Con)

Strawberry debate votes +2  Lemon debate votes 0 
Currently Winning:
Winning Cabbage (Con) CABBAGE (Con)

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 

Strawberry debate votes +3  Lemon debate votes -6 
Atomic Debate Honors
10 years ago
Views: 6,680
Currently Winning:
Winning Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro)

Strawberry debate votes +2  Lemon debate votes 0 
Atomic Bomb Debate
10 years ago
Views: 6,409
Currently Winning:
Winning Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro)

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 
Edward Snowden: Traitor or Hero?
11 years ago
Views: 6,385
Currently Winning:
Winning Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro)

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 

Strawberry debate votes +1  Lemon debate votes 0 
Schools should ban junk food.
12 years ago
Views: 6,618

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