Scarface: Best Crime Movie

Strawberry Up Vote + 1

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Lemon Down Vote - 0

Yellow Lemon

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Created: Monday, March 25, 2013 04:48 pm PST by homer2000.
Debate views: 3,733

Debate Summary

Is Scarface (1983) the best crime movie?



Top Debate Answers
1$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro) - You want to play rough!? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!!

answered by homer2000
12 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
Tomato debate votes
Onion debate votes
100% majority of vote

Lettuce (Pro)

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Number of lettuce debate answers: 1
Tomato Up Vote + 1

Red Tomato

If you like a debate answer, give it a Red Tomato. Debate answers with the most Red Tomatoes and least Sliced Yellow Onions win the debate. Yummy, Red Tomatoes. :)

- 0 Onion Down Vote

Sliced Yellow Onion

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homer2000 profile picture
You want to play rough!? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!!
12 years ago
posted by homer2000  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Cabbage (Con)

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)

Number of cabbage debate answers: 0