Atomic Bomb Debate  posted by MrKlegarth

Answer: I agree that there were probably better ways to do this but the Japenese killed a lot of our people when they bombed us first
April 01, 2015 11:55 am PST

Atomic Bomb Debate  posted by MrKlegarth

Answer: I agree with this but they are the one that had bombed us first yes it was wrong for them to bomb us and it was wrong for us to do but it was the best way for us to do it
April 01, 2015 11:53 am PST

Atomic Bomb Debate  posted by MrKlegarth

Answer: I agree with this but even though it had killed civilians it had killed less people than if they were to actually try to take over the main island another way.
April 01, 2015 11:46 am PST

Atomic Bomb Debate  posted by MrKlegarth

Answer: I think we should drop the bomb because the Japanese dropped on us and we also should drop the bomb because if we didn't drop the bomb so many more people would have died if we didn't drop the bomb. So many more troops would have been taken out if we took over the main island.
April 01, 2015 11:41 am PST