Alexander the Great - Greatest Warrior  posted by homer2000

Answer: Absolutely agree. Have anyone try and command over 50,000 people without technology and rapid communication, very little knowledge of terrain and location, conquer lands and people like clockwork, and have them plan it and do it in basically thirteen years. Easy peezy.
March 20, 2013 12:32 pm PST

Sir Sean Connery: Best James Bond  posted by homer2000

Answer: Pierce Brosnan was the best bond! This article states it perfectly: "Now fans of Connery say he was all muscle, while those that support Moore preferred his wit. The perfect blend of each man's best qualities? That would yield Pierce Brosnan. He has it all -- keeping his enemies at bay with a punch or a witty retort. He's tough and cocky like Connery; super suave and debonair like Moore." Daniel Craig is not far behind though.
March 20, 2013 12:23 pm PST

Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris. Who Wins?  posted by homer2000

Answer: Exactly.
March 20, 2013 11:24 am PST